
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33
Are we really ready for this kind of life style ?
Just last week I heard of a wonderful miracle that God was performing on a daily basis to provide for the needs of His people.(Six people that I was aware of these miracles helping.) So that His kingdom can come ? So that His will can be done on earth as it is in heaven ? My educated answer is "Yes !" Did I get excited about the miracles ? "Yes !"
"What does this mean ? Are you trying to confirm to me this person is a prophet , LORD ?" I asked.
Then as His Word was being taught to me , I felt that such an important truth is being over looked.
If we are seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ,miracles just might be on the agenda that day. If we also receive a Word of Knowledge from Him that says ,"Tell the people to look at this , because it is for My Glory to be revealed." Then maybe we are to say something. (I think the person who shared with me was suppose to. However, I didn't go blabing it around. I have been holding it in my heart and seeking and waiting for His word to come about it. I did tell that I know of some miracles happening . It is just very exciting.)

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