
Monday, May 08, 2006

An Important Part : This book that we are reading together gives us enlightenment and encouragement that helps us dare to be real, with God and others. As we realize what behavior patterns we have developed that work well for hiding how we really feel. When we are able to trust God that how we really feel is not who He says we really are, we dare to take off our masks. Having an awareness that we are accepted, as we are also brings such a reality, that it is the same for others.
Your stuff that you thought would be just , way to much for God to put up with, you find out the truth. No, it is not to much, and , He isn't even thinking ,put up with, He is thinking, I've got it covered, no problem. So it is for others. Their stuff that they are hiding, now you know, it would be so good if they knew, God really loves them like they are. And you know that they do not know that because , they do not seem to know that God loves you, (me) just as I am. My sins He forgives . He really, really,really does. I think that was one of things Job changed after he was restored. You know at the first he was offering up sacrifices all the time for the sins of his family. The Bible doesn't say he did that any more after he was restored. He must have gotten the message, our sins are covered. This line of thought may seem irrelevant to you , unless you are aware that others around you, do sin.
Just what are you suppose to do then ? First place to go would be to realize, their sins are covered, (although the personal choice to accept the covering is up to them.) Next thing would be to realize their sins can't make you lose your salvation. Although it seems to rob us of our joy sometimes. Which is why this little talk about this. Our joy is in our salvation. So why do I lose my joy ? Is it that I haven't learned what Job learned ? Is it that I haven't really understood the sacrifice Jesus made for me on the cross ? Our Guidebook Question about the story of Cain and Abel has really been brought into a new light for me. As I see I do worry about other people's sins, to the point of distraction. As I see other people worry about my sins, to the point of their distraction. Please Heavenly Father, restore unto us the JOY of Thy Salvation. Thank-you for salvation. Thank-you for the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ . Thank-you for His power that can bring every one of my thoughts into the obedience of Christ.

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