How do I know ? Because I have tried. It is absolutely impossible. There is no way created or that will be created that will let you copy this.
May I now define THIS.
The Church. The Bride of Christ. There are probably a few more names that are not coming to my mind right now. Basically I hope you are getting the picture.
There is one very unique quality about The Church that you will not be able to copy. For those of us who have been reading Truefaced Experience and have been attempting to take off our masks this blog will make sense.
I am putting into words for you what you have by now figured out.
Masks on : we have a copy of what the church is suppose to look like.
Masks off : this is the church ? Are you looking around at what use to be your church ? What happened ? Isn't it strange ? Before you skip on to another blog I have something to say here.
I am going to write some scripture here. Before I do I want to share with you what I learned in Theology 101 . Always look at the context. If what I write today is new to you please, get your Bible out and read all of Matt 16.
vs. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? vs16 And simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. vs 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjo na for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. vs 18 And I say also unto thee. That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. vs19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
What did Jesus say here ? He described The Church. The one that cannot be copied. How do I know ? Because of what Jesus said to Simon Barjona, flesh and blood has not revealed Who I am to you, but My Father in heaven. The Church will be a people who know each other . YES. The Church will be a people who know who each one is because Jesus' Father in heaven revealed to them who they are.
That will only happen if you and I take our masks off to God and let Him know we are serious about being part of The Church.
This is hard enough , I know , but you better get ready for part two.
immediately the elder brother shows up. He is not going to take this sitting down. He is going to point out every log in your eye, (well, it looks like a log to him ) that he can find. This is so very hard on him. He does not like it that you, who was once willing to just be a servant, a slave even, has been told that the Father wants a relationship with you. No........I can assure you he does not like it.
What is wrong here ? Where is The Church ? I'll tell you where they are.
They have been hood winked into believing that it is all about serving. It is all about doing. It is all about pleasing. All about keeping the law. Somebody forgot to tell them that the Holy Spirit is vital to their well being. Without it they are not going to have clue who the Father says you are. So there you are . A people who think they are The Church and you who is trying for the first time to really become The Church. Real and without pretense. They want you to immediately have no sin. There is no reason why you should have any sin in your life today.
What can you do ? First of go in and enjoy the party. You know , the one your Father said he'd kill the fatted calf for. Go on in and have fun. His grace is enough. Yes, He does not want you to ignore or be in denial about your sins. But His grace is enough. Go on and enjoy the party.
Second ask the Father to reveal to you who the elder brother is.
Ask the Father to reveal to you who that other mask taker offer person is in that group with you. Ask the Father to reveal to you who that is that you are taking those Christmas presents to. Ask the Father to reveal to you who that is who is sitting on the back row of your church all by themselves. Ask the Father to reveal to you who that is who is up on the platform of your church, attempting to be led by the Holy Spirit and doing the best he can.
Ask the Father to reveal to you who that is who is coming to church regularly but still is struggling with habitual sins. Ask the Father to reveal to you who that is ........your sons ,your daughters, your spouse.
It is upon this rock ,The Church is built. And we missed it. Until now.
How are you going to love that elder brother unless the Father reveals to you who he is ?
What is so special about that ?
Who he is is someone He knows and loves personally. When the Father reveals that to you it is going to be a whole lot easier to forgive him for being an elder brother. It is going to be a whole lot easier , in fact easier just is not an appropriate word. Something happens when revelation comes. Something you cannot copy that is for sure. Something solid like a rock.
I know who you are. You are someone God loves. You think I have a log in my eye that I should deal with . You are so right. Can you help me ?
Have you ever needed to repent of this sin? Is there anything you can say that might help me repent ? I do want to repent just as fast as I can.
Did you think because I was dancing with my Father God in His fields of grace it was not bothering me ? I am sorry . Did I hear you say yes , you do know about this sin I am struggling with ? Did you say , well actually you have not been able to get rid of all of it yet ? I know. Something about the way our Father set this up. Ours sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus. Just like washing . The stains don't always just disappear on the first time dunking into the water. We have to keep coming back to the Word don't we ? Would you like to come and dance with me and my Father God in His fields of grace ?
About Me
- Name: Diane B
- Location: Arkansas
I enjoy blogging about many topics .I try to stay within the blog titles below. Blue Letter Bible is a resource I think you'll be glad you've found.
2 comment(s):
I loved this post! (even though I'm still wiggling my stepped on toes to see if they still move) I found your blog via Annette, hope you don't mind if I add you to "My Friends Blogs"
Cindy, at
11:52 AM
Sure I don't mind. Thanks for the comment.
Diane B, at
3:24 PM
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