
Friday, February 24, 2006

The Maker of Masks. My last comment, that we will be taking off masks until Jesus comes may not be true. One of the unfortunate things of blogging alone is there is no one to bounce statements around with first before I leave them out here. Blogs are suppose to be just that though, a place where you can say, I think this is the way it is.
Today this is what I think it is. I think our human nature is still pretty much the same as when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. The temptations that they gave into we are still faced with just in different ways. That serpent who was there, he still must be around too, trying to confuse us as to what God really said. His favorite line is," isn't there a way we can do what God said to do, and do what we want to do too ?"
It is because we simply give into temptation that we feel we must wear masks. Once we learn how to quit that I think we will stop putting masks on. That is still a stretch for our imaginations. However it ought to go as far as Jesus did in the wilderness where He was tempted and overcame the evil one for us. Just like He overcame sickness and our sinful state. We are given new life through Him because He took the punishment of death.But back to the wilderness, He did so much for us there that we seem to not understand.
It seems to be our basic nature to have a form of idolatry in our lives. Even when His people knew He was God and that they were His people, knew He was their deliver and knew He was their life they still felt compelled to make an image and worship it. This compulsion just doesn't seem to stop either and I see it in my own life and wonder why I can not just stop it.
Some smart person out there must know the answer to that.
I trust those that are interested enough to read my blog know that we are to become a new creation in Christ Jesus. This is the journey. This is what we are to become. Some would say, "You have no hope, you will be taking off masks til Jesus comes," and some would say, "You have the hope of righteousness today. Resist that temptation today it might be the last time you have to do it. This time you will have righteousness of Jesus and you will no more be bothered with that problem. " Be bothered with that problem ? No, I think that may be where I am confused. Jesus did not stop being bothered with that problem when He left the wilderness. He continued to overcome the problem though.
When His good friend,Peter suggested something contrary to the will of His Father in heaven, Jesus was quick to give him the same reply He gave Satan when he tempted Him in the wilderness.
I think we all must spend our times in the wilderness where we are tempted but learn to do as Jesus did and speak the Word of Truth. Once we learn how to do that ,then when new tests and trials come we have our Sword of the Spirit ready and we know how to use it.
I have been thinking a lot about the story of David and Goliath. I have seen times when the Lord killed a bear. I have seen times when the Lord killed a lion. However, today I sense He is about to kill a giant and I need to know how to cut off his head.
The story of the Silver Chair by C.S.Lewis has been a lot on my mind too. Three seemingly insignificant beings are sent to rescue one captive. This captive person once gave into to temptation and followed the lusts there of. Now imprisoned it seems with no hope but one small remembrance of a special name. He cries out and cries out with no avail until he speaks his redeemers name. Then the three go into action only to find they too are almost overcome by the powers of wickedness tempting them as it were to come back enjoy the same lust her captive has for all this time. Again it is His name that restores them and they break free from her spell. The captive takes the sword and destroys the chair that once kept him in bondage.
Back to David and Goliath. Did you know Goliath had a (twin)* brother ? I remember reading somewhere he shows up again later on in David's life. I wonder if he thought, "What again ?" I wonder if he thought, "I will pick up my sword and destroy him again."Did it bum him out because he had to keep doing what he had already done once, over and over again? I just vaguely remember this story .*For those who want the exact facts I recommend the resources available on see the link on the side of my blog site.
I wonder if we are suppose to get involved with helping others take off their masks and overcoming the evil one ? It seems like we are but how ? First of all , I made this rule for myself, Don't help unless you are asked. But what if they do not know how to ask ? What if they are in bondage to a problem but they do not see that they are ? Should I tell them ?
Except the LORD build the house he labors in vain that builds it.
Unless the Holy Spirit has given me the time and place to do so, I am sure it would be in vain. The grieving ,(ranting and raving) I am doing is not so much that I want others to change but that I want some avenue of repentance for my own sinful idolatry. If I say, "I want the Holy Spirit to convict me and give me a gift of repentance for bitterness and resentment." Not to many people are concerned. If I say, "I am angry because God knocked down my idol ." I get a whole different response. People do not want to know that I had an idol. If the Holy Spirit has not convicted them for any form of idolatry they should have peace. Regardless it is my sin that I want to receive a gift of repentance for . It may be that I will learn how to be a truefaced friend when a truefaced friend comes to help me.

I will keep asking my "possible" friends to come to my house and break bread with me. Partake of the LORD's supper and a footwashing service. There will be a day when one and then one more, will say ,"yes."

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