
Monday, February 13, 2006

Doing Things Because You Are A Christian
THINGS BEING DONE BECAUSE YOU ARE BEING CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST (there is a Christ likeness in you.) The place that I go to for Spiritual food will have different food servers for a while. I really love the guy who is feeding us now. His presentation was oh so similar to what I was use to hearing. I like the truth, not mixed in with a bunch of possible truths, thrown in to make the sermon entertaining. In fact the place I go to doesn't give sermons they give teaching and it is the best way to feed.
As I asked the Holy Spirit to convict me and waited, I was wondering if this guy does the same thing. You know , ask the Holy Spirit to convict . I knew I especially need to be allowing the Holy Spirit to convict me because the Holy Spirit is leading me to be more vocal more and more. I have this theory . My theory is that the reason John the Baptist was able to do such a good job at saying "Prepare Ye the Way of the LORD" was because the preparation was done in his own heart first. I am exhorting as many will hear, don't just attend church, be a church. Don't just say, that's a nice guy up there teaching me on Sundays, see that he is the authority the Lord has placed over you. Don't just say, I submit to him, really work towards submitting as you would unto the LORD. Don't ever say anything about him that you would not gladly say if he was standing right there with you. To me you are coming dangerously close to not revering the word that says, "Touch not God's anointed ,do my anointed no harm, " if you speak of any child of God revealing the parts of Christ not conformed yet into his image. However there is a place for the shepherds to warn their flocks of false teachers and I appreciated it when my shepherd was more specific and said exactly what was false. Then I had something to work with rather than he just didn't like the guy. I wondered though why he did not warn of more false teachers some I suspect are close enough for our flock to wander off into their churches and see if the grass is greener over there. The answer of course, is because the Holy Spirit did not lead him to do that. I have a young friend who is very curious about so many things. She is ready to buy every book that suggests that they have the truth that everyone needs to know. She is smart enough to love the LORD with all her mind , so she gets into debates and stuff with others. But I worry about her heart. Sometimes when we overload on getting prepared mentally we forget the really most important thing. The only necessary thing Jesus said , to Martha, and Mary had chosen it and it would not be taken from her. So many times I have seen people lose that, not because it was taken from them but because they willingly gave it up while they pursued something else , for the LORD. I hope that does not happen for my young friend.

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