
Friday, March 17, 2006

Mask Wearing........My emotions gives me messages that I sometimes act on before I think. It is almost by reflex that I find I have once again put on the mask. What I know will help is to find the thoughts that are feeding the emotion. I once was a very angry person. When I started taking the time to learn what I was really thinking at the time of each anger outburst, it became clear that what I was thinking was really a choice. When events did not pan out like I thought they should, realizing my expectations did not have to be fulfilled in order for me to be happy was a great blessing. Because so often I found I had thought that there was only one way for the out come I was hoping for ,I was angry many times for no reason. If it is our Father in Heaven's will for something to be done, He may have a zillion ways of that happening. It is hard for me to quit thinking that these few ideas I have must happen. He is helping me enter into His rest as I place my trust in His Word and believe that He will bring about what He wants done here on earth. Oh yes, I want to say, "just quickly". It may or may not be quickly . However, I am comforted by His words that say, "He will come quickly." Rev 3:11

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