
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Where We Are ....Who We Are....Who Is Our God.

We are The Church, The Bride of Christ,
The Called & Chosen.

Being able to accept the truth about
where my spiritual growth area is means I can take off a mask here.
Being able to accept the truth about
who God says that I am
means I can take off a mask here.
Being able to accept the truth about
Who God really is
means I can take off a mask here.
In my life of de-masking , I can see it effects all three areas.
The masks hinder the truth. Being willing to take off the masks allows truth to flow like a river.
Then I get around people.
First of all l thank God that I can go and get around people. May He be glorified today that I do not retreat physically from all involvement of people. That I dare to even try , may He be glorified.
Now I look forward to the day that my masks stay off. Only then will the river of life that He is willing to pour into me will be able to flow out of me.
See , the masks dam it up.
Maybe that is why I think that having an over flow of the Holy Spirit is so helpful. Perhaps it just bursts those dams and flows over the tops of others and allows me to be useful in the kingdom anyway.
It certainly isn't because my flesh has been perfected. It is still in a state of being perfected the last time I looked. (Ugh !)
However, this is a mask area remember ? It is my belief that the longer I can remain honest about my need to be perfected, He is working.
The soapbox I was on in my last blog was a hiding style. I was using it again. However, our Heavenly Father is so gracious to us. He helped me accept I had made a mistake again and helped me to do what is right.
That was to confess my own sin rather than be so concerned about other peoples sins. I was deceived because I thought I was fighting for a good cause.

Did my falling back into using a hiding style (hiding from God's love) change where am I ?
No , where I am is how am I abiding in the Word of God. This is what "where " is . Am I digesting the Word as milk , am I digesting the Word as bread, or am I digesting the Word as meat ?
Knowing where am I according to God's Word is so important. More important than whether I am bearing fruit. If I do not continue to abide in the vine , there will not be any fruit. Fruit is kind of check point for us when we are thinking that the Holy Spirit is leading us to start doing something different. No doubt leaving a comfort zone is going to feel like I am now eating meat, or bread if before I was drinking milk.
The truth is we never out grow our need for milk. When I abide in God's Word I expect the milk, then I open my heart for bread, and if the Holy Spirit chooses to be gracious to me , I receive meat. Although, I wonder if He doesn't grind it up for me like baby food sometimes. It seems to take me forever to get some truths that others just seem to walk in naturally.

Did falling back into a hiding style change
who am I ?
No, whoever God said I was from whenever He first said this is who I am, it never changes. My understanding and awe of who He says I am increases as I abide in His word. However, my mistakes never change the fact that I have been tattooed (as it were ) into His hand. He won't forget who He said I am either. I might forget, or not believe, or not be willing to accept, all are symptoms of mask wearing I've found.

Did falling back into a hiding style change
who God is ?
No, the True and Living God. It did not change Him at all, He never changes. The little god IDOLS and the gold calf FAKE god always seems to get damaged when I fall. It must be that every time I need our True and Faithful God and He catches me when I fall , the comparison is then so great I can see more clearly and gifts of repentance are granted unto me.
Repentance is a gift that I can not copy. I can copy a life style that would appear to all that I have no gods before Him but is that the way I want to enter Heaven ? No. Yet the only alternative is to receive His grace, receive His gifts and believe to apply His Word to my life as He (Jesus) showed me how to do. Newcomers should read these parables : Sower and the seed. Prodigal son and elder brother. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Plus read the whole Bible as I know you will if you are hungry.

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