What to do about the hiding, hurting world around us ? My idea at first was to get as many as I could to read these books and get in a little group that meet online or in my home. The hiding, hurting world around me did not even know that this is,(the hiding) what was wrong. So it has taken me a while to know what if anything can be done to help them. For some reason my safest way to relationships has always been with a book. I can give you some reasons for that , but not really relevant to my point.
I have begun to ask for help from the Holy Spirit to see, when people are really being "the me" that they wish they could be all the time. Those "here is me" times is when I am hoping the Holy Spirit will give me some way to affirm them for being who they are. Sometimes people don't let their real self out until they are at the end of their rope. So the real self is really not going to win a popularity contest right then, but it is who Jesus needs them to be, before He can help them. The hiding , hurting individual that is wanting only to be a good person so Jesus will help them, has probably had a long dry spell since the last time they felt they were in His presence. A grace giving , sin removing , Saviour is Who I know. He is a Just God, He is a Merciful God. Hopefully this hurting , hiding world will be encouraged to come to Him just as they are.
About Me
- Name: Diane B
- Location: Arkansas
I enjoy blogging about many topics .I try to stay within the blog titles below. Blue Letter Bible is a resource I think you'll be glad you've found.