
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Receiving a love for the truth. That kind of goes along with love for people. I found this love for the truth being talked about in II Thess. 2:10.
People who are truthful are easier to love ? Possibly. The human kind of
love , yes most assuredly truthful people are love friendly. However, think about us, untruthful folks, are we still loved ? Yes, amazing isn't it ?
The One Who knows us best, loves us most.
It is wonderful isn't it. That He loves what we cannot love.
Receiving a love for the truth is something you can ask Him for.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

How Do I Love Thee ? When I began this adventure little did I know what was in store for me. The first post , full of my masks (hiding styles) I thought would be an easy task to share as I gave you a view as I took them off. Did you notice the word compulsive and also my reference to my agenda ? The story of the Good Samaritan came to my mind as I thought on my agenda. Isn't that what the Pharisee and Levite had in mind ? Taking care of their agenda ? However the good Samaritan had an agenda to, but was not to busy to stop and take care of a broken and bruised being laying on the side of the road. He did not over do, though, as you might know the story. He left the hurt man to be cared for and went on his way also. What that has to do with masks is that many times I have just planned on doing what I knew I was suppose to do. Even followed through with it , to find, I had ignored the really important task that was meant for that day. A phone call to a lonely person. A card or e-card even with a special thought for someone. Prayer. How many times, have I forgotten to pray for someone's special need. The real self-centered me.
Is behind the mask. How can I stand it , to let you know the real me ?
Ahhhhhhhh, this is where How do I Love Thee comes in.
What I did not know is this is also How I will love thee, dear readers.
For He will not be content for me to just merely give you helpful advice and encouragement. He will expect me to love you , as He has loved me.
In time. I am not divine, as He, however, in time, I hope to love you all as He also loves you. Now back to How does He love You, may I point out to you the ways. They are found in the Bible I Corth. 13: 4-8a
His love suffered long, and is kind.
His love envied not: His love vaunted not itself, is not puffed up.
His love doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked,thinketh no evil: rejoiceth not iniquity, but REJOICES in the truth.
His love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. His love never faileth:
Because of His love for me , I dare to be me. Though not nearly all of me is showing, yet enough that I think I can encourage you and say, "I've tried it. " James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Yes, you will have to wash your hands and so on as it says afterwards, read the whole chapter, maybe even all of James if you have time. I do not want you to think it is okay to pull one scripture out and tell you do this and it will be okay. However, if you are reading Truefaced Experience and you are wanting to go through with it. Do what they are suggesting. Do it. You won't be sorry. His love never fails.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Corinthians 13:6
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.

Does that mean if I tell the truth about my iniquity,
He rejoices ?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

De-masking may hurt . If honesty did not cost something would it
be esteemed ? At first I thought I would never get through this book,
Truefaced Experience. The pain/fear of being real and then what ?
A blessing for me was that these guys who wrote this book really knew.
They knew that there was a very good reason the masks had gone up.
They knew that those reasons had not changed. What would need to change was the way we had once looked at those reasons. Not exactly
a change that can occur over night. If one was not even aware of there
being masks on that would probably be the starting place.
I was aware of masks. I was aware of masks on top of masks. I am
aware still of masks that need to come off. That is why I am sharing what I have learned about the Truefaced Experience.
Exactly what is my agenda. I was thinking about that the other day.
Someone I cared about had a problem and I thought perhaps I should help. Wanting to "help" is a red flag for me. I am a compulsive helper.
It is a constant source of remorse to me that I find myself busy doing stuff . Yet, my agenda, yes, I know what that should be. My calling, my particular thing I ought to do in the body of Christ. I know what that is.
It has a lot to do with the book called Truefaced Experience. Also another book called Hiding From Love. It has to do with realizing years ago something was amiss in my relationship with God and reading the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden over and over. It has something to do with just knowing that what our LORD really wants is an intimate relationship with us. It has something to do with realizing that my inability to have lasting relationships with people was showing me something was a miss. It has something to do with beginning to understand that I have many hiding styles.
For someone who has been on a journey for so long and has not yet reached her destination it might sound silly that I want to encourage others in their trip. Yet, I think it will only sound silly to those who have not started the journey. Those that have begun, know, it is a lonely trip and company or a little encouragement is always welcome.
Anyway, I think this is my agenda. To be an encourager to others who are attempting to enter the room titled "trusting God" rather than continue to spend all their time in a room known as "believing God". It is a very hard thing to do. No one will be able to make it easier for anyone. However if they have read Truefaced Experience or Hiding From Love and they happen on this blog they might find just a little encouragement. They might offer alittle encouragement too. (That would be nice.) Regardless,
I journal almost everyday and no one but me knows what is there.
Sometimes I am inspired as I write and I wonder is this just for me or should I share it ?
So I'll blog it.